Saturday, August 8, 2015

Thank You!

This is a blog post to say thank you to everyone who has wished me a happy birthday over the past couple of days. Also to my friends who have kept in touch with me the whole time. I know I said I would post soon like a month ago, well I'm not good with keeping up with things I say. So thank you. 

Also, we fly back the 19th! yay!


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Birthdays all around!

Yesterday was Thomas' birthday and I decided to not post so I could do a bigger one today on Annie's birthday. Happy birthday to both of you and now you are both one year older than before. (Thanks captain obvious). Thomas keep on working on scout stuff. Anne... uuuh... keep working on staying in your room and watching videos... I guess? Thomas I have one more thing to tell you, if you want to keep working on your drawings every day to get really good and then people might look at you like they looked at me, actually they won't because they look down on me unless they are significantly younger than me. One last thing on this blog post, happy birthday to Masahiro Sakurai who is now 45 and was the creator of the Smash Bros. series and the Kirby series of games. I will insert a picture below, just because I have the wikipedia page on him on another tab on now so please don't feel left out.